FAQs by Mentees

  • Dweebs provide advice and support in everything from career advancement to mental health.
  • We are willing to review your resume, edit job and education applications, and even just lend an ear to listen to you.
  • All of our services are 100% free and are volunteer-run – you will never be asked to pay for anything.

Yes! All our mentorship is actually free. We will never ask for your money or anything in trade for our services. We’re here to provide you free mentorship and support.


FAQs by Mentors

Maybe you’re one of the lucky few who were born with connections to help you out and great career role models. Or maybe you’ve relied on mentors in your field who were kind enough to help you out.

We believe that everyone should have access to free advice – not only in career development, but also in mental health and fitness. Currently, often only the wealthy and well-connected have access to this, but we aim to change the playing field.

We work to make the world a bit fairer and brighter by providing mentorship to anyone who needs our help. We target critical world issues and use our global volunteers to provide unique insights. And we do this all for free.

You will work with mentees providing advice on career development in your profession or other fields of interest. Fields include:

  • Business Development
  • Career Development
  • Childcare & Parenting
  • Engineering Careers
  • Entertainment Careers
  • Health & Fitness
  • Hobbies
  • Legal Careers
  • Mental Health
  • Policy Careers
  • Science Careers
  • Sport Careers
  • Tech Careers
  • Writing Careers

Mentees select you based on your profile and you can choose how many you help based on your time availability! In addition to the fields above, we often get questions about resumes and application tips.

Your time commitment is up to you. You should be available to respond to most mentee requests for you (though we understand if you can’t always!), but we only ask that you reply promptly to mentee requests you accept. Depending on how much time you set aside, this can take up anywhere from 1-5 hours per week.

As a Dweeb mentor, you can also work on:

  1. Writing informational, no-nonsense articles featured on the Dweebs Global website.
  2. Participating or starting a working group to address a critical global issue (like unemployment!).
  3. Organization and Press outreach for an international organization.
  4. Content creation on social media (including videos and graphics).
  5. Organizing sessions with leaders across various fields both internally for Dweebs and externally.
  6. Leading your own informational sessions through the Dweebs platform.
  7. Participating in optional meetings with other Dweebs.

A Dweeb is a person willing to provide advice and mentor others for free! We’re basically all about giving back to others as much as possible. We believe that everyone has some advice to share – so while Dweebs often are passionate about a particular field, as long as you are interested in helping others, you’re part of our international movement!